Stop Calderdale Wind Farm!

In this day and age, when we are shouting desperately for an end to fossil fuels, it seems counter intuitive to have to fight against a new wind farm right? I don't particularly mind the odd cluster of wind turbines on the horizon. They have come to be a symbol of a new cleaner greener world - one that we all want right? So why are we all freaking out about Calderdale Wind Farm?

Deep breath.

The proposed plan is to build the largest onshore wind farm in the UK. There would be SIXTY FIVE huge wind turbines over nine square miles of 'site of special scientific interest' moorland above the National Trust estate of Hardcastle Crags, Blake Dean and Brontë Country...

If you've ever walked over the moors between Haworth and Hebden Bridge this is where we are talking about. Or perhaps you've driven into Hebden over the moors from Haworth? That spectacular view that stretches for miles and miles,THAT'S what we're talking about.

photo by Roger Nunn
But it's not just about spoiling our epic views.

Each one of these turbines would be over 200 metres tall (that's 42 metres taller than the Blackpool Tower) and each turbine would need it's own road and all this would be happening on our precious carbon sequestering peat bog. Building the turbines here would release MORE carbon than the turbines would generate in their short life, which is only about 25 years. Peat bogs are just as important as rainforests! They have been forming for thousands of years. You can't just replace them when they are gone.

Paving over the moors above us poses a huge flood risk to our already at risk town. 

Then there are the ground nesting birds that return to the moor each spring. Curlews, golden plovers, lapwings, skylarks, redshanks and snipe. Oh my goodness, these birds are already endangered. I can't bear it.  

photos by Lesley Jackson

This is NOT about green energy. It's all about money. Calderdale Wind Farm Ltd is a Saudi-owned and Saudi-backed company. A local multi millionaire land owner will sell them the land if the planning application goes ahead. We can't let that happen. Will you help us oppose this?

Apparently 30 years ago this month, a huge number of internationally renowned artists including Ted Hughes and Iris Murdoch wrote an open letter opposing a large wind farm development on these moors. It was overturned. A new open letter has been written and will be published in the Times Literary Supplement today (Thursday 8th Feb)! There is hope!

The Stop Calderdale Windfarm Website has loads of information and a What You Can Do page with a printable letter ready to send to our local planning officer. Wherever you are in the world, would you send this letter? Every single objection counts towards protecting our already struggling planet.

The curlews and skylarks will thank you with their song.




A wind farm of this scale should be placed off shore, not on heather moorland, depriving its wildlife of safe habitat and humans their recreation and contemplation.

C Booth

Hey Hannah – this is awful news, why are people so rubbish. Have printed off the form & me and Jon will send objections to the council. xxx

Carole Fenwick

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Hannah Nunn

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I'm Hannah Nunn, designer/maker of papercut lamps, wallpaper, window film and laser cut 'treasures' all inspired by the beautiful details of nature. Find out what inspires me and join me for walks in the woods and other adventures...


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