My friend in the lime tree

lime tree seeds photo by Hannah Nunn

I stopped to admire the lime tree which was bejeweled in seeds.

lime tree seeds photo by Hannah Nunn

They are one of my favourite tree decorations! 

lime tree seeds photo by Hannah Nunn

Can you see how they appear to have two types of leaves? One is just to help the seeds take flight. I love seeing them fall. On a good run they spin and spin so tightly and gracefully.

lime tree seeds

On the ground beneath there is such good inspiration for a pattern maker.

lime tree seeds photo by Hannah Nunn

Some of the seeds were back lit, each with a halo of light. You can see how furry their seed casing is.

lime tree seeds photo by Hannah Nunn

As I was getting into my camera flow something moved in the corner of my eye

juvenile robin photo by Hannah Nunn

and there, on the mossy wall was a little bird watching me.

juvenile robin photo by Hannah Nunn

It was a juvenile robin, not yet red breasted and it was a confident little thing, hopping along the wall, unperturbed by my presence.

juvenile robin photo by Hannah Nunn

We shared a moment of mutual curiosity before it hopped back over the wall and I went on my way. 

I enjoyed this encounter and didn't expect to see it again but I've seen it three times now! It hops along the wall beside me, underneath the lime tree and it doesn't mind having its portrait taken. How nice to chat with this friendly creature of the wild. I think it said we could be friends.

I'll keep you posted. x


I have lime trees hanging over my back garden from a little copse. They’re so pretty and I love watching the spinners twirling around like ballet dancers. I’m lucky to have a little oak tree next to the lime trees that I hang bird feeders on, I get all the babies coming with their parents to be fed as they get older. It’s like a nursery with the juveniles perched on the fence or the gate watching for mum or dad to come over with something tasty. Small things, but they bring so much pleasure.


They are so confident my favourite bird.

Pam Kubica

Love baby Robin so gorgeous!! I too always have a chat with a Robin I meet when I’m out walking!! xx


That’s so beautiful and I hope your friendship continues 😁x


Love, love, love the juvenile robin!!!


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Hannah Nunn

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I'm Hannah Nunn, designer/maker of papercut lamps, wallpaper, window film and laser cut 'treasures' all inspired by the beautiful details of nature. Find out what inspires me and join me for walks in the woods and other adventures...


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