Blue in Brearley Woods

blue pottery shards in a bluebell wood

We visited Brearley Woods at the weekend. Dean had heard that the bluebells were spectacular so we found our way to the woods for the very first time.

bluebell woods

These woods are on the road between Hebden Bridge and Halifax so we have probably driven past them a thousand times over the years. We will have had  glimpses of bluebells through the trees from the car or the bus but we had never set foot in the woods.

It was such a peaceful spot.

Dean also heard (he's obviously got his ear to the ground)  there was good mountain biking in these woods so he went up the hill to explore. Can you spot him?

While he was gone I did a bit of treasure hunting. It wasn't hard. It was everywhere and I gathered quite a collection, adding to the lovely blue theme of the day.

blue bells by a waterfall in Brearley Woods

As I write this I can hear a blackbird singing outside my window and it has transported me back to the lusciousness of the woods. the trickling waterfall, the mass of bird song and the smell of the bluebells. Can you imagine it?

bluebells at the top of Brearley Woods

We followed the markers through the bottom of the woods and then started to climb. We may have missed the very steep path along the very top of the woods but some friendly locals guided us to it and I'm so glad because it was the best bit.

It was super steep and incredibly flowery. Can you spot that dandelion at the back shouting to be heard?

We walked back down the hill on a less trodden path - down a slippery cobbled lane with some chatty ponies, through a muddy paddock and then a precipitous field of curious sheep with curly horns. 

We were greeted at the bottom by a gorgeous clump of wild garlic which was the perfect end to a stunning spring walk.

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Hannah Nunn

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I'm Hannah Nunn, designer/maker of papercut lamps, wallpaper, window film and laser cut 'treasures' all inspired by the beautiful details of nature. Find out what inspires me and join me for walks in the woods and other adventures...


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