Yesterday we had a very springy walk for Deans birthday. What beautiful weather for a birthday! We took our time, meandering slowly with nowhere else to be, taking in the sights and the scents of spring.

I had already crossed the stepping stones, completely missing this small clump of wood anemones but something made me look back and there I spotted them.

Aren't they little darlings!

The surrounding beech woods were dry and crunchy underfoot and with not much green to be seen but the waterfall flowing through it was like a luscious oasis and everything was coming to life.

The lesser celandine were soaking up the light.

The new grass was so fresh and zingy.

It was lovely to bathe in the zinginess. It felt like we'd been to the spa!
This lucsious spot is on one of my favourite Hebden Bridge walks. Start from Hebble End by the Coop and walk up the very steep Horsehold Road. At the top, before it turns to cobbles take a right through a wooden gate, past the 'bench with the view' and then onward through the beech woods. Follow the obvious path until you reach the waterfall. Beyond the waterfall the path will eventually take you down to the canal where you can complete the loop back into town. It takes about an hour and a half....unless you stop and take pictures of everything like me!
1 comment
Good day Hannah, just wanted to say how much I enjoy your ‘three little things’.
Have a relaxed break next week!
Can’t wait until travel restrictions are lifted so I can visit my son and wife in Hebden. Take care